Embarrassing - Suspensions continue
It's almost embarrassing how the Swedish Hockey League is working now. Today other two players got suspended and the circus is moving on.
A total of 10 players have been suspended since the start of SHL season 2015/16. This includes eight suspensions for checking to the head, whereof six of these have resulted in six games or more. This is a record in Swedish hockey, but the question is: isn't it embarrassing for the league?
As a big hockeyfan, I'm almost embarrassed. I have seen a couple of these games and there shouldn't have been, as many as they've been given. But today, it's easier to condemn than to free. Yes, those who's playing in a dirty way should be punished. But sometimes you got to let hockey be just hockey.
The Swedish league is on a dangerous way if it continues like this. The way the Disciplinary Committee has chosen now, is on it's way too get back at them. They wanted less injuries to the head, but instead they have gotten even more. At least what the judgements says.
There has to a change in the judgement departement, otherwise no one will play in the league and I'm for one wouldn't do that. Shame on you SHL!