A dream - is all that you need
17 Oct 2022 | Kamil Przegendza
What links KH Energa Toruń - top tier hockey club from Poland and NHL franchise San Jose Sharks?
In this article eurohockey will bring you a story that should be an inspiration for anyone. Due to the kindness of KH Energa Toruń we present to you the story of jersey which will help the people in biggest need.
In further parts of this article we will use the words of Marcin Jurzysta - PR Specialist of KH Energa Toruń and originator of that action, who decided to talk with us about that great initiative.
What it is all about - it started with a big dream of watching a game of the most popular ice hockey league in the world not on TV screen, but live being close to your idols, one of the best hockey players around the world.
A chance came this year due to the NHL Global Series in Prague, Czech Republic. It all started for Marcin Jurzysta with getting a ticket to this event. When it was done, he started the plan to get autographs from Sharks players : “Some August evening when I was thinking about this event and preparations for the upcoming PHL campaign I thought that it would be nice if after realizing this big kids dream of mine, something else could stay in our memory, that any kids dream in this world can become true” - he said.
The idea was simple - “I wanted Sharks players autographs on our captain Kamil Kalinowski's last season jersey”. And from words to deeds he started first preparations to his plan. On 30th of August he got a reply from Sharks media coordinator Kyle Stuetzel - Kyle explained to him that it will be the easiest to send the jersey to San Jose, then they will return the signed jersey to him directly at Prague O2 Arena during the NHL Global Series.
After a long journey through Warsaw and New York, jersey finally arrived at SAP Center Arena. Kyle Stuetzel then started to work. He confirmed that every Sharks player, who were playing in Europe's NHL games, will sign the shirt.

Sharks player signing jerseyMarcin arrived at the O2 Arena to watch the game between Nashville Predators and San Jose Sharks, he was still in touch. It was not a problem that he was far away from VIP lounges and far away from players - “Kyle texted me and asked on which sector I’m sitting - then after the first period he came to my sector personally and gave me a signed jersey”.

Kyle Stuetzel and Marcin Jusztyła with signed jerseyWith the signed jersey we come to the moment we are now - Marcin Jurzysta and club KH Energa Toruń from the beginning decided that jersey will be sold on charity auction to help raise funds for children’s hospice “Nadzieja” in Torun, Poland. The auction starts on 17th of October on KH Energa Toruń Facebook page -links will be at the bottom of the article.
This unforgettable adventure for one of the club's employee will also do some good which is really needed. Eurohockey highly recommend you to follow the auction and participate in it. Cause is really good, and you can bid for a jersey with autographs of some great hockey players like: Tomas Hertl, Logan Couture, Timo Meier, Nico Sturm or Erik Karlsson
Charity auction link you can find here :
Auction started 17.10 at 10 A.M. and will be finished on 21.10 at 11 P.M. You can bid in comments (ammount in polish PLN), highest bid wins.