Relegated last season from Serie A, Aquile Pontebba decided to play in Kaertner Liga, an Austrian Regional League.
Slovenian Miha Zbontar will be the head coach.
Another team from Italy, Dobbiaco Icebreakers, plays in the same league
(13 Jul 2013)
By loosing 4-2 playouts game #4 against Fassa, Aquile Pontebba lost the series 4-0 and is relegated in Serie A2 after seven consecutive seasons in Serie A
(27 Feb 2013)
Alleghe Hockey announces American Tom Pokel as new coach for 2012-13 season. Pokel, 45, coached Aquile Pontebba in last three seasons and in April served as Netherlands assistant coach at World Championship
(09 May 2012)
Kevin DeVergilio season is almost over: Pontebba American forward takes six games suspension after his double charge at Alleghe Nicola Fontanive. Aquile Pontebba and Alleghe are playing Serie A playoffs quarter finals and series is currently 2-2
(11 Mar 2012)