The Avantes Hockey Club was created in 1984 by Nikos Polichronidis in Chalkis. The team and the players had as headquarters Halkida until 1993 when the only ice rink (200sqm) which existed in the city, closed
From then until 2003 the efforts of the athletes to maintain the team was very difficult without an ice rink and without any assistance from the Greek Ice Federation.
Yiannis Ioannou, the oldest player on the team disbanded the team and moved its headquarters to Athens where there was a skating rink, carrying the burden of re-making a new team, after much effort and personal time, he managed to create the first vintage of new players in the group. From 2003 until now the team is based on European standards of hockey in all areas, despite the difficulties to be faced because of non-existing skating rinks, since the last one closed in 2003 due to a lack of economic resources. It is noteworthy however that in the year 2010, without any financial help, the team operates with the financial burden on the shoulders of athletes.