Anubis team was first founded in Maadi neighbourhood in 2002 as the International Ice Hockey School in Egypt (IHIS Egypt). It was formed of Egyptian school and university students who are interested in ice hockey. They were encouraged by North American expatriates who lived in Maadi and used to visit Ice Planet Rink of Maadi Family Land which is a small ice skating rink that is located at the Nile corniche of the neighbourhood.
The Egyptian team members with the help of expatriates succeeded in buying some vital ice hockey equipment like sticks, pucks, and protective kits. The team also benefited from the already existing ice skates in the rink. In Egypt's 10 ice skating rinks there are over 50 ice hockey sticks in addition to about 26 pucks and more than hundreds of ice skating shoes.
Ice Planet Rink of Maadi Family Land which represents the playgrounds of Anubis team can reach a capacity of 100 spectators but its surface area is 290 m2. That\'s why the team managed to contact the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports and the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) to help the Egyptian volunteering youth members of Anubis to have an ice hockey arena in Egypt that follows the IIHF standards.
In 2013, the team changed its name from IHIS Egypt to Capital Biko which means Hawks of the Capital City in Egyptian language. This representative name identified the team till 2016 when it changed its name to Anubis.
Since Anubis team is Egypt\'s first ice hockey team, the players of the team are considered to be founders and pioneers of the sport in Egypt. Being aware of this crucial role, Anubis team decided and succeeded in organising two national ice hockey tournaments.
In 2012, Anubis organised Egypt's 1st Ramadani Championship which took place in Genena Mall Ice Rink in Nasry City District in east Cairo.
Anubis divided its players into 8 teams who contested against each other in the championship and the team won its first trophy. Because of the parameters of the ice rink which is only 290 m2 as well, the teams were formed of 4 players each in addition to 2 substitute players.
In 2015, Anubis organised the 2nd Ramadani Championship which was contested between 6 teams formed of Anubis's players as well, and the team won its 2nd national amateur trophy.