Time to say goodbye?
11 Apr 2011 | Davide Tuniz
While Croatia and Romania walking towards head to head match, Ireland lost a crucial game against China and seems already on the way to III Division
Game against
China was the most important for Irish hopes to stay in
Division II, but on ice the challenge didn't had much to say: China won clearly 5-0 using very well the power plays (4 goals out of 5) and overlooking the opponent as the SOG statistic shows: 58-16. With games remaining against giants Croatia and Romania and another difficult one versus Iceland, well impressed in debut, seems almost an impossible mission for James Tibbets' troop to secure a place in Division II next year.
In second game
Iceland scared
Romania opening the score with MVP Robin Hedstrom redoubled by Emil Alengaard at begin of second period. While a surprise is materializing, Zsolt Molnar found a capital short-handed goal, decisive for recovery. captain Szabolcs Papp equalized at 33:19 in power play situation and huge pressure on Dennis Hedstrom cage - 44 saves for Iceland goalie - results in advantage goal, scored by Otto Biro, again on power play. Now more expert Romania controls the game and sealed victory with an empty net goal by Ervin Moldovan.
Croatia has now to win its commitment against
Bulgaria: easy task, with 75 shots on goal in first two period the game was a monologue by host, until the final 17-2. Curious the difference between 47 years old Bulgarian goalie
Konstantin Mikhailov and Croatian 17 years old
Mate Tomljenovic.: when Tomljenovic born, in 1993, Mikhaylov already having defended Bulgaria cage in six World Championships!