EOXA, the Hellenic Federation for Winter Sports, which is in charge for the sport of ice hockey in Greece announced that the 2018 Greek National Hockey Championship will take place on the following dates:
21-22, April, 2018
28-29 April, 2018
05-06 May, 2018
The games will take place in Athens and Thessaloniki.
(16 Apr 2018)
Tarandos Athens win the 2016-17 Greek League, back in action after 3 years of absence and after the Hellenic Federation of Winter Sports incorporates icehockey following the closure of Hellenic Ice Sports Federation in 2014.
Tarandos Athens and Ice Guardian Thessaloniki finished both with 15 points and the titles was assigned to Athens team for the better goals difference in head to head matches.
Tarandos won also the newly created Junior League
(26 Apr 2017)