Radek Duda, 32-year old forward of Chomutov(CZE 1.liga) who spent last weeks in the Czech Extraliga team Plzen
on a loan, is suspected for the pedestrian insultation. The incident
happened on the road crosswalk in Karlovy Vary, where the agressor
insulted a pedestrianin on Tuesday, Jan 25.
According to the
witness statements the number plate of the agressor's car meets the
Duda's BMW as well as the offender description meets Duda: the 190 cm
height, thin, white man around 30 years of age.
The Czech Police haven't started with investigation until today, policemen are examing the witness statements now.
Duda is known in Czech republic for his rebel reputation: In March 2002
he spitted into David Moravec's face during game between his Plzeň and
Vítkovice. Later this year he impeach Karlovy Vary defender Řezníček for
negotiating of the Czech Extraliga results. He also insulted Liberec's
defendsman Čakajík in Liberec's locker room after game misconduct of
both player. In October 2008 he vulgar attacked Radek Bělohlav's family
and finally in November 2008 he had a fught with his team-mate Milan
Gulaš during České Budějovice training.
Duda told to
Deniksport.cz that he has grown up and he won't be the same "weirdo"
anymore, but this suspicion can be an end of the chastened rebel as well
as dirty lie.
The KLH Chomutov club released a press statement that the
only information what Chomutov has regarding this case are news from media. The
club also wrote that Radek Duda contacted the Czech Police himself and the club
or the player neither won’t comment the case until the Police investigation won’t
come to an end.